Expert Advisor Test Software

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Very few premium expert advisor (EA) is available as a mq4 source code. So testing them is possible only in Metatrader itself. Unfortunately, we don’t like Metatrader’s EA strategy tester drawbacks so we decided to develop our own software –  Smart Forex Strategy Tester. So we have to develop our own expert advisor test framework, i.e. an adaptor to interface ex4 binaries with our code.

This appears to be a very complex task. Is this problem possible to solve at all? If yes, how?

Even simpler problem of developing an expert advisor test code for the case when we have EA’s mq4 sources is not easy,  but at least doable. The trivial solution would be just rewriting the trading strategy logic so it would be runnable in our suite. But this approach would require a lot of coding work for each expert advisor and will be error-prone. Better approach would be redefining all the methods that are used to work with orders and link binaries of Metatrader own functions.

In the case the EA is available as a ex4 binary, the task is much more complicated. We need to understand first the internal structure of the ex4 file. And, based on the knowledge of interfaces, somehow try to develop a ex4 runtime environments emulator software.

If you are aware of any relevant expert advisor test projects, or have some ideas how to implement such software, please share them with us!

Expert Advisor Test In Smart Forex Strategy Tester Suite

We develop our own testing software – Smart Forex Strategy Tester. It is designed as the ultimate tool for building and testing Forex trading strategies. It will have an EA test module as well. As first priority, for the EA available as a source code.

The tool will also provide the option of using the tested strategies as is for real trading. For that, another interface to MetaTrader will be implemented. Basically, we will have a proxy Expert Advisor that will translate the order handling commands from our software to the MetaTrader server.

Expert Advisor Test Software
Expert Advisor Test Software will be part of Smart Forex Strategy Tester suite

You can try the latest version of the suite yourself. download the software.

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